Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Bankruptcy of Death

Philosophy is the eternal spring from which all our ideas and actions flow. We therefore must take every precaution that we do not adopt any worldviews that conflict with reality, nor practicality. Our impression on the nature of death is just so. Broadly, there are toughs who have adopted that there is an afterlife in some form, and on the reverse side there are toughs who believe that death is the end. I want to make an argument on the grounds of morality that to believe in the latter is taking on a “bankruptcy” mindset.

Let me briefly paint a picture of what I mean: we all know bankruptcy is the condition in which you loose the game monopoly, but it is more than that; It is the complete failure to pay debts. Why do I compare death to bankruptcy? because the idea that our essence disappears with our material body also releases us from every obligation, debt, moral duty, civil duty, family duty, consequences, work, and the out come of all our actions. 

Think of the spendthrift. He goes about with a wallet full of platinum credit cards, buying a flashy life full of boats and European cars, without the slightest inkling of ever paying back. Likewise a disappearance from the realm of reality will also allow the spendthrift to never keep his obligations because he is released when he dies, he is released from any judgement over moral issues, he is released from civil duty, he is released from the welfare of his family, he cares not for consequences because toughs consequences die with the man. The only duty left to the man in this state is his duty to live while the living is good before declaring bankruptcy and dying. 

Whereas, the idea that we do not parish with our bodies instills the spendthrift with the knowledge that he cannot runaway into oblivion without taking himself with him. He has to be content or discontent with his benefits and felonies he’s committed towards his duties and his fellow man. This subject recalls to my mind a comedy routine that illustrates the idea perfectly. Demetri Matin observed: “Someone who commits a murder-suicide is probably somebody who isn’t thinking through the afterlife. Bam! You’re dead. Bam! I’m dead... Oh, you are here too!”

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