Friday, September 18, 2015

A Novel Idea: Make The Poor Rich

How should we, the rich, help the poor? 

Here's a novel idea: how about we help them to become rich too!

Instead of giving the poor lame, broken down apartments, why not help them into luxury condos?

Instead of trying to scrap together menial jobs, we help them into lucrative businesses!

Let's replace the dissolute public schools with reputable private schools.

Is it unimaginable that without lowering our own standards of living that we might raise the living conditions of the poor?

How should we, the poor, help ourselves?

Here's a novel idea: how about we become rich!

Instead of living in the slums, why not become what it takes to live in wealth?

Instead of trying to scrap together a pitiful living working for "The Man", we should work for ourselves!

Instead of blaming a crapy school for corrupting our children and keeping them ignorant, we should learn what it takes to teach them ourselves.

Is it unimaginable that we can become rich without anyone else becoming the poorer for it?

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