I look at the educations of these man and see a fantastic bird of paradise. They were made brilliant and lustrous not by forging themselves as subsistent bronze or tempered silver but into diehard, explosive, forget-me-not, titanic, mighty men, heavy-metal GOLD. They were not going to grin through monkey teeth; they were going to touch the finger of GOD. Intellect be damned, these men were more than just salt and dust-- they had real SAPIENCE.
We today are boiling in a pot. Everyone is cooking under the pressure and wondering why. We look at the bubbles and think that they must be the cause, when they are merely the effect. In ignorance, ill-advised people go about trying to pop the bubbles, only to find that while they were popping the one, a thousand escaped the pot and are simmering on the stovetop. Public education is a bubble. Taxes are a bubble. Moral decay is a bubble. Political corruption is a bubble. Pop them as we may, worse problems follow, why? Because the stove is still turned on. If we do nothing, we die. If we try to do less then we need to subsist, we dwarf back into chimps. If we try to subsist as bronze, we last as long as natural disasters leave us alone. If we go with silver, we are good until the devil laughs and a tyrant organizes us in rank and file. The Global crisis is a result of us trying to imitate these pathetic idols instead of God. Salvation for the human race doesn't lie in apathetic annihilation, animal instinct, material subsistence, or even in intelligence and training. The only way for us to be saved is through becoming like God. Every success that human history has seen has been a product of that imitation. If we are to progress, mirror Him further, we must.
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