Monday, October 8, 2018

The Fifty Classic Books Challenge

Recently, I was reading another blog about classical literature, and they extended a challenge to read at least fifty classic books. I chose books mostly from Aristotle and Archimedes because that is about where I am in reading The Great Books of the Western World series, which catalog some of the most important books to western thought from Homer to Freud. Most of these works are mathematical or scientific so we'll see how that affects the reading. It's important to me to become a learned man because it's an essential component to living a solid and honest life. I'm committing right now to reading all of these books. I highly recommend that all you guys should do it too! At the bottom, I included a link to the Classics Club,
which is a blog dedicated to readings from the classics.
Wish me luck and happy reading to you!

My Classics List:
  1. Art of War by Tsn Zu 
  2. Wheelock’s Latin Primer 
  3. Farenheit 451
  4. The critique of practical reason by Immanuel Kant 
  5. Categories by Aristotle 
  6. On Interpretation by Aristotle 
  7. Prior Analytics by Aristotle 
  8. Posterior Analytics by Aristotle 
  9. Topics by Aristotle 
  10. Sophistical refutations by Aristotle 
  11. Physics by Aristotle 
  12. On the Heavens by Aristotle 
  13. On Generation and Corruption by Aristotle 
  14. Meteorology by Aristotle 
  15. Metaphysics by Aristotle 
  16. On the Soul by Aristotle 
  17. History of Animals by Aristotle 
  18. Parts of Animals by Aristotle 
  19. On the Motion of Animals by Aristotle 
  20. On the Gait of Animals by Aristotle 
  21. On the Generation of Animals by Aristotle 
  22. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle 
  23. Politics by Aristotle 
  24. The Athenian Constitution by Aristotle 
  25. Rhetoric by Aristotle 
  26. Poetics by Aristotle 
  27. The Discourses by Epictetus 
  28. The works of Hippocrates 
  29. On the Natural Faculties by Galen 
  30. Euclid’s Elements 
  31. On the Sphere and Cylinder by Archimedes
  32. Measurement of a circle by Archimedes 
  33. On Conoids and Spheroids by Archimedes 
  34. On Spirals by Archimedes 
  35. On the Equilibrium of Planes by Archimedes
  36. The Sand Reckoner by Archimedes by Archimedes 
  37. The Quadrature of the Parabola by Archimedes 
  38. On Floating Bodies by Archimedes 
  39. Book of Lemmas by Archimedes
  40. The Method of Treating Mechanical Problems by Archimedes 
  41. On Conic Sections by Apollonius of Perga 
  42. Introduction to Arithmetic by Nicomachus of Gerasa
  43. Fatal Discord: Erasmus, Luther and the Fight for the Western Mind by Michael Massing
  44. The Book of Mormon by Various Authors
  45. The Old Testament by various authors
  46. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 
  47. The Silmarillion 
  48. As a Man Thinketh
  49. Emile by Rousseau 
  50. For The Cause Of Liberty: A Thousand Years Of Ireland's Heroes by Terry Golway


  1. Thanks! Most of the books I choose are pretty technical. I'll take all the luck I can get,
