Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Philosophy that WIll Run America

The trends in western politics for over the last hundred years have been, for the most part, blowing in one direction: The empowerment of the state known as Socialism. Why have we witnessed such an evil wind? What could be it’s source? To be frank, Socialism is the child of the philosophy, Humanism.

What is Humanism? It is the idea that there is no supernatural whatsoever, and that humanity has to fend for itself. Notice the word “Humanity”, In Humanism, man is mortal and temporary. Therefore, the single human being has very little worth; rather, Humanists look at man as a species. When the Humanist and Socialist write public policies, they give no ear to the cries of private property, individual liberties, nor the lone man’s life blood and his right to keep that blood in his body. Humanists and Socialists care only about the good of society, private citizens are drones that can be thrown away and recycled provided that their demise pushes foreword the Humanist and/or Socialist agenda.

What is this agenda? At it’s core, the agenda aims at a godless salvation of the human race. In their minds they see a utopia of immortal, enlightened beings, living in harmony with all around them. They believe that man can achieve this thing for themselves, but only if evolutionary tendencies are overridden by a conscious will. This conscious will finds its embodiment in the government.

The government, when controlled by Humanists becomes the pruning knife of society, designed to cut the free, independent limbs to the ground and to carve mankind into the image of it’s “makers”. In the short run, we see this happening with the creation of welfare states, designed to paternalism the government. We see this happening with the taxes for health cares, designed to regulate human life. We see this happening with the taxes for social securities, designed to create a momentary heaven before eternal death. ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC.

The bulk of our woes comes from the rampant humanism that has grown like a weed in our native soil, chocking out all that is not itself. The self proclaimed gods will unjustly mold all of our lives for their greater goods. Their ends justify their means.

This recalls the Biblical story of the tower of Babel. The Bible tells of A great and powerful king who centralized all the people of the earth under his rule in order to bypass God and obtain their own salvation. Sound familiar? 

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