Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The 11 Axioms: A Basis For Life In the Universe

Yet once more, these listed axioms, opens the black ether of space to reveal another truth about our universe. While by experience, we may never know if life exists beyond Earth; but through logic we can determine that life exists beyond Earth. Provided that there is infinite room in which matter and energy can exist and interact, we can deduce that, while perhaps rare and unreachable, there is bound to be a planet that can not only sustain life, but harbors it. Furthermore, while perhaps even more rare than the former, it is possible that Earth like systems exist scattered about the galactic neighborhood.

Not withstanding the reality of life abroad, the practicality of discovery and utility is nil. Until our own planet is understood, and a man can live upon it's surface among his fellows, there will be no further advancement nor discovery.

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