In contradiction to religious, cultural, and scientific canon, do I submit rational evidence that God exists.
Based on the 11 Axioms of Cosmology, God's existence is founded. These Axioms, posted earlier to this blog, reads thus:
1. There is only one all encompassing universe 7. Matter is infinite
2. The universe is infinite 8. Energy is infinite
3. Only reality exists 9. Life is Infinite
4. Fiction is a projection of the mind 10. Time is infinite
5. Nothing is created nor destroyed 11. Everything evolves
6. Space is infinite
In consequence of these stated axioms, God must exist in this universe, somewhere. He exists in this reality of physics, and in no other fictitious one. Furthermore, he is not a fictitious projection of the mind. He is eternal. He has a body, He takes up space, He is alive. He is omnipotent, omniscient, all powerful and all good. He is not alone in the pantheon. He, or his ancestors were, like unto us, although the position of Godhood is infinite. Godhood has always existed, exists, and will always exist. We, and/or our decedents have the potential to become like God in every aspect. God, as the acme of evolution, finds growth and fulfillment by accelerating the growth of lesser intelligent beings. God did not fundamentally create man's self, but that doesn't rule out his organization of particular elements of man. Etc.
Because there is only all encompassing universe, in order for God to exist, he would of necessity exist as a part of the universe, and not on some plane outside it, although it is true that God would be foremost of all things. Because the universe is infinite, God's domain is likewise infinite. God does not exist anywhere else but in this reality, as opposed to some super reality or alternate reality. While it is true that throughout the history of mankind, man has projected many fictitious gods upon the universe, There is still one true God. Because nothing is created nor destroyed, Godhood is an immovable institution.
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